Lars Svensson
Birds of Europe (Dutch edition)
ISBN: 9780691143927
Since it was first published a decade ago, Birds of Europe has become the definitive field guide to the
diverse birdlife found in Europe.
Now this superb guide has been brought fully up to date with revised text and maps along with added
Uniquely designed for easy use in the field, this expanded edition covers all 772 species found in the region
as well as 32 introduced species or variants and 118 very rare visitors.
Detailed species accounts describe key identification features, voice, habitat, range, and size.
More than 3.500 full-color illustrations depict every species and all major plumage variations, and color
distribution maps provide breeding, wintering, and migration ranges for every species.
Complete with an introduction to each group of birds that addresses major problems of observation and
identification, this new edition is the ultimate field guide to Europe's fascinating birdlife.
Tristan Lafranchis
Butterflies of Europe (Dutch edition)
ISBN: 9789050113021
A comprehensive field guide and key to the butterflies of Europe.
Contains over 400 distributions maps, taxonomic keys, and detailed drawing of genitalia to assist identification
of difficult species.
Using Butterflies of Europe, all identification of species can be carried out ethically, i.e. without killing
the specimen.
Paul Waring & Martin Townsend
NACHTVLINDERS; veldgids met alle in Nederland en België voorkomende soorten
ISBN: 978-90-5210-625-0
Deze unieke gids biedt een deskundig overzicht van alle in Nederland en Belgi oorkomende macro-nachtvlinders. Vrijwel alle
soorten worden uitgebreid beschreven en in beeld gebracht met minimaal één tekening in de natuurlijke rusthouding.
Alle informatie uit deze van oorsprong Engelse gids is aangepast aan de situatie in Nederland en België en aangevuld met
extra tekeningen en soortbeschrijvingen. Met een algemeen gedeelte over determinatie en bestudering van nachtvlinders wordt
het boek ingeleid.
De vertaling en bewerking van de tekst kwam tot stand door medewerkers van De Vlinderstiching, de Werkgroep Vlinderfaunistiek
en de Vlaamse Vereniging voor Entomologie.
- Meer dan 1600 prachtige gedetailleerde tekeningen in kleur van ruim 900 soorten nachtvlinders, weergegeven in hun
natuurlijke rusthouding
- Bijna 80 foto's van rupsen
- Uitgebreide teksten bij elke soort: kenmerken, gelijkende soorten, vliegtijd en gedrag, levenscyclus, waardplanten,
habitat en voorkomen in Nederland en België
Mark Parsons, Dr Phil Sterling
Field Guide to the Micro-Moths of Great Britain and Ireland
ISBN: 978-0-9564902-1-6
The mosy comprehensive field guide to the micro-moths of Great Britain and Ireland
- more than 1,100 superbly detailed artworks of over 1,000 species, showing the moths in their natural resting postures
- More than 380 photographs of larvae and their feeding signs
- 900 specially commissioned maps showing the latest distributions
- Comprehensive texts for each species, including field characters, similar species, flight season, habitat, larval foodplants,
status and distribution
- Introductions to all the families of micro-moths, describing key characters and life histories
- General introduction on identifying and studying micro-moths. Also included are innovative new keys to the families, a section
on didection techniques and a comprehensive Checklist to all the British and Irish micro-moths
Klaas-Douwe B Dijkstra
Field Guide to the Dragonflies of Britain and Europe (Dutch edition)
ISBN: 9780953139958
1st Edition 2006
This new identification guide to all the dragonflies and damselflies of Britain and Europe brings together
some of the top field experts from across the Continent with Richard Lewington, generally accepted to be
Europe's foremost illustrator of insects.
The guide covers the whole of Europe from the Arctic Circle to the Mediterranean basin, including western
Turkey, Cyprus, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and the Azores, Canaries and Madeira.
It includes almost 1,000 superbly detailed artworks, line drawings and photographs of all 160 species found
in Europe; up-to-date newly researched distribution maps; and, a comprehensive introduction.
It is a unique county-by-country guide to finding dragonflies throughout Europe.
New Holland Publishers
European Reptile and Amphibian Guide
ISBN: 9781847734440
june 2009
A comprehensive field guide to every species of newt, salamader, frog, tortoise, terrapin, turtle, lizard
and snake in Europe.
The only truly pocket-sized quide and the most up-to-date in termsof taxonomy.
- 300 colour photographs showing key identification features, difference between males and females,
subspecies and other variations for many species.
- species occuring in Britain or which are widespread in continental Europe recieve greater coverage.
- includes a detailed distribution map for each species
- 143 detailed species accounts covering ID, habitat, range, food, breeding, hibernation and subspecies
- 59 concise accounts for species with restricted ranges, most including a distribution map
- accounts colour coded by family for quick reference