I Have taken loads of picture's from the wildlife of Uganda Here you can find some of these pictures These are Birds/Mammals and Butterflies


Uganda is arguably the most attractive country in Africa to birdwatchers, not only because of the unusually high number of species recorded within its border, but also because it offers easy access to several bird-rich habitats that are difficult to reach elsewhere. Uganda's remarkable avian diversity - 1.008 species - can be attributed to its location at a transitional point between the East African savanna, the West African rainforest and the semi-desert of the North
Most of these "Uganda specials" are West African and Congolese forest birds that would be verry difficult to see elsewhere, for the simple reason that the other countries in which they occur are poorly developed for tourism.


The official checklist of mammals found in Uganda numbers 342 species, with both West and East African mammals being well represented. (132 of the species can be classified as large mammals and the remainder are small animals, such as bats,rats and mice)
Primates are exeptionally well represented in Uganda. (about 19 species; such as Mountain gorilla's, Chimpanzee, Baboons, Mangabey's and Colobus-species)
A total of 38 carnivores have been recorded in Uganda (most seen are Lion, Leopard, Jackals, Hyana, Otters and Mongooses)
About one-third of the total African Antilope-species are included on the checklist for Uganda. (Among them are Hartebeest, Busbuck, Waterbuck, Impala and Oribi)
Among the herbivores there are: Elephants, Hippopotamus, Buffalo, Giraffe, Zebra, Squirrels and Swine.

Butterflies and Moths

An astonishing 1.200 butterfly species have been recorded in Uganda, as compared with roughly 650 in the whole of North Africa and a mere 56 in the British Isles.
Most spectacular of all butterflies are the Swallowtails of wich 32 can be seen in Uganda. Named for the streamers that trail from the base of their wings, swallowtails are typically large and colourful, and realy easy to observe when they feed on mammal dung deposited on forest trails and roads.
Another well-represented family in Uganda, with 370 species present, is the Nymphalidae, a diverse coloured group off small butterflies, generally associated with forest edges and interiors. Among them are the Commodore's and different kins off Pansy's.
An obstacle to developing a serious interest in Uganda's butterflies is the absence of a useful literature and field guides to aid identification.